Saturday, 21 April 2012

inspired by something Jezebel1669 told me: some creepneko-android chick who can take always one of her arms off to hold it with the other arm or just like a gun whereat the shoulder-connection is the barrel and that shoots plasma or the like shotgunish

Could have it that each limb has a different weapon, rocket launcher right arm, chainsaw left arm, machine gun right leg, flamethrower left leg kinda thing. She could pull them off when she needed to attack people or keep them on and look normal.

In Skullgirls Ms. Fortune can use her head as a biting chainsaw, throw it at her enemies as a missile, leave it on the ground as a bear-trap which chomps its way up enemies bodies when they step on it, or have it as a gun turret while sprays acidic blood on nearby enemies. Her arms and legs are held on with loose tendons, letting her extend them when attacking, kinda like Dhalsim in the Street Fighter series.

Ask me anything

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