Friday, 20 April 2012

(( I just realized I made a serious plotting error in my story that I think adds up to an epic fail. I gotta figure out how to fix it. What is one of the worst story/plot errors you've made and how did you end up fixing it? ))

(( I've had times when my planned conclusion to a story has gone out the window, since on the journey towards that ending my characters have ended up wandering off in a completely different direction. At times like this you need to ask yourself whether you were going in the right direction in the first place, or if some new, and possibly better, conclusion has presented itself. ))

(( Is there any way you can 'reboot' the original, planned storyline, such as a Deus Ex Machina event (characters discovering they're in a simulated world/bad dream/alternate reality perhaps) or have a new or previously sidelined character (even one presumed dead!) suddenly make an appearance to help steer things back in the right direction? ))

(( Are the characters happy with the way events have panned out, or have you had to make them do things out of character in order to keep the plot rolling in the direction it's gone in up to now? ))

(( Do you actually have a planned destination in mind for the story, or are you letting events play out and enjoying the ride? ))

Ask me anything

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