Sunday, 29 April 2012

'Hero' registration, a good thing or a bad thing? Should we allow vigilantes to act without oversight or would forcing them to step forward and identify themselves, by force if necessary, be better?

'Hero' registration, a good thing or a bad thing? Should we allow vigilantes to act without oversight or would forcing them to step forward and identify themselves, by force if necessary, be better?

Answer here

if you had the power to bend time space and reality to your will would you abuse it ? explane your answer

Hell yes! With great power comes great fun and amusement. >D

I'd have to be sure to eliminate any goody goody heroes who may not agree with my new universe early on though. Wouldn't want them spoiling the games.

Ask me anything

Which do you think is a better character; Someone superpowered who has to struggle with their own inner turmoil or someone weakly powered who faces off against opponents who should be able to take them out easily and yet somehow manages to win?

Which do you think is a better character; Someone superpowered who has to struggle with their own inner turmoil or someone weakly powered who faces off against opponents who should be able to take them out easily and yet somehow manages to win?

Answer here

Are you friends with your neighbors?

Not really. I say hello whenever I see them but that's about it.

Ask me anything

Thursday, 26 April 2012

i've got this roller pen here but no pencil case, wanna help me out?

God gave you a nose for good reason, along with several other orifices. Take your pick. :)

Ask me anything

your last awkward moment at sex?

I haven't had many, and not one for years. I much prefer putting others in awkward positions and making them squirm. :)

Ask me anything

the worst crap-game you've ever played?

I don't play craps, much prefer poker. Preferably the strip version. :D

Ask me anything

Bayonetta, Dante or Kratos, who wins for you?

Easy, Bayonetta. As soon as she strips down and breaks out a supermove the guys would be too busy staring slack-jawed at her luscious curves to defend themselves. :D

Ask me anything

Ask me questions about Gaming

If you could live on a boat, a train or a plane which would you choose?

If you could live on a boat, a train or a plane which would you choose?

Answer here

I've got four days off coming up; how about we bust out the rope, clamps, cuffs, toys, and whips and have a good time? >D

But if I bust out all the toys that'll leave Tara free to do unbelievably depraved things with your poor body. Do you really think you want to risk that?

Ask me anything

How big is your family?

They used to be quite big, but after developing my shrink ray technology I managed to make them four inches tall.

Ask me anything

What are the destinations somebody traveling to your country should visit, not tourist traps, but something genuinely interesting in your opinion?

The airport would be a good place to go, especially if they had the money to travel anywhere else than here. XD

Ask me anything

What language would you like to learn?


Ask me anything

Lunchtime Poll Topic: Have you ever met your Praetorian? If so, what are they like. If you are Praetorian, have you met your Primal? What are they like?

I met some weird chick who looked like me once, but she kept going on about truth and justice so I had to drop her in a tank full of acid.

Ask me anything

Woah! Did anyone else's account spontaneously diable itself? Have I been that depressing lately?

Somebody probably saw your cute super-kitty and got jealous. :)

Ask me anything

I was thinking about it today, and there are a few "normal" things I can't do because of my powers. Anything normal people can do that you can't because of your abilities? Does it bother you?

I can't walk down the street without wanting to shoot people in the face. Does that count?

Ask me anything

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Do you fall asleep easily?

Me? Of course n... *snore*

Ask me anything

How do you deal with break-ups?

Find someone new and spend a week in bed with them.

Ask me anything

So a morality question: Your bank accidentally put $718.92 in your checking account. Do you tell them? Why or why not?

It's their mistake and whenever I make a mistake they always hit me hard, so I'd leave the money where it is for a month and if they don't ask for it back by then I'd keep it.

Ask me anything

What would you do this instant with your partner, if they appeared naked in front of you?

Mmm, you look tasty... Lay down and let me eat you. >D

Ask me anything

Lunchtime Poll Topic: Home Schooling - Pro? Con? Why? (( this can be for Metas only or not, feel free to interpret. If I don't get into the charter, I'm prob getting the home school so I've heard. TMI? It /is/ Tuesday! ))

Home schooling usually means that the child ends up highly skilled in academic fields, but miss out on social skills and don't always develop creatively either.

Ask me anything

How important are "social skills" in helping you achieve your goals? Could you do what you do without them? If you have social skills, how'd you get them?

Social skills can be vital to connecting with others, but you still need skill in your specific field in order to reach your goals.

If you haven't got social skills, find someone who does and let them deal with others for you so you can get on with the things which are important to you.

Getting along with others is just another skill. You can practice and improve them just like anything else.

Ask me anything

Do you have any item you carry around for good luck? If so, what is it? Does it work?

Sorry, the only lucky thing I carry around is my lucky kidney. :)

Ask me anything

When was the last time you listened to new music?

Over the weekend I got a chance to switch YouTube on to randomly play music for me. Great way to find music I've not heard before, even if it's not new. :)

Ask me anything

Monday, 23 April 2012

Do you wear stripes a lot?

No, I usually stick to basic colours in combination.

Ask me anything

Whee!! ( cough, cough, choke, sputter ) Allergies getting me down again. Do you have any allergies? If so, what?

I'm not falling for that trick! If I tell you about my weakness to bananas an army of banana-gun wielding minions will be at my doorstep before I can say "Bananaman's a stupid name for a hero!"


Ask me anything

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Joy. At one of mom's faculty gatherings and I'm sooooooooooooo bored. What's the worst "fun thing" your parents ever dragged you to?

I went to a boarding school so managed to avoid any embarrassing social occasions with my parents. :)

Ask me anything

neko vs. zombie girl vs. gynoid vs. succubus vs. alien lady vs. frost baroness vs. spider queen vs. playboy bunny, who wins?

We do! Whwen they end up ripping each other's clothes off and having a massive orgy. >D

Ask me anything

Bayonetta, major Kusanagi and Midna additionally in Skullgirls, how do you imagine this to work? would it be epic?

A witch with enchanted hair, a robot and a demongirl? Aren't they already characters (Filia, Peacock and Painwheel.)

Apart from that I'd love to see more girls in the game, especially Motoko. :)

Ask me anything

I'm bored. Here's something for you all to do.

A large Coca-Cola cushion.

Luckily it's stuffed with napalm grenades and shuriken so I should be safe from the walking dead. :D

Ask me anything

ever played Silent Hill 2? ...if yes, did you like the places, atmosphere and visual design?

Yeah, played it several times.

I like the concepts they had for the locations in the game, but I think the actual appearance could've used more work. The atmosphere wasn't really stifling enough to generate enough anxiety for me.

Ask me anything

Saturday, 21 April 2012

What you doing right now?

Answering questions on Formspring while listening to the cool jazz used on the menu screen of Skullgirls.

Ask me anything

South Park or Family Guy?

South Park

Ask me anything

btw, just came to remember that i also kind of such an arsenal chick among me mian characters already, Anna Courtney Baineburk, Snuff machine, Entertainmentgirl number 4, the deahtmatch slaughter, splatterous yellow iron ^^

You mean the girl who spend all her time in the meat locker slicing corpses into little pieces with her monofilament blade fingernails?

Ask me anything

...but if she uses Ellis space-sparing system (basicly like the capsula in DB/DBZ) then it could work most epicly and yes, da fuck, just this video showed me how something like this should look about the 'normal appearance' i wouldn't worry all too much

Reminds me of the Obliterator soldiers from Warhammer 40k. They can reforge their armour into any weapon they could need, no matter the circumstances...

Ask me anything

OMG!! It'll be Prom Night in just a few hours! What was your Prom like? What was the theme? Did you have a totally amazing time?

I'm British, we didn't get prom nights just rather downmarket end of year discos. :(

Ask me anything

inspired by something Jezebel1669 told me: some creepneko-android chick who can take always one of her arms off to hold it with the other arm or just like a gun whereat the shoulder-connection is the barrel and that shoots plasma or the like shotgunish

Could have it that each limb has a different weapon, rocket launcher right arm, chainsaw left arm, machine gun right leg, flamethrower left leg kinda thing. She could pull them off when she needed to attack people or keep them on and look normal.

In Skullgirls Ms. Fortune can use her head as a biting chainsaw, throw it at her enemies as a missile, leave it on the ground as a bear-trap which chomps its way up enemies bodies when they step on it, or have it as a gun turret while sprays acidic blood on nearby enemies. Her arms and legs are held on with loose tendons, letting her extend them when attacking, kinda like Dhalsim in the Street Fighter series.

Ask me anything

your feedback and judge on this cast so farß

Looking good so far, although I wouldn't trust these two with any sweet and innocent virgins who may be passing. >D

Have you seen the game Skullgirls at all? Some great characters to get inspiration from there. I particularly like the neko girl Ms Nadia Fortune, whose arms legs and head can come off and be used as weapons. XD

Ask me anything

what do you think about her appearance?

You missed the tattoo she has on her stomach, around her bellybutton. :D

Ask me anything

last thing that freaked the hell outta you?

I honestly can't remember. Not much freaks me out, usually I just get curious and want to know how it's done/why it's happening.

Ask me anything

your last WTF-moment?

Read a question from someone and replied to it, and then had exactly the same question from exactly the same person.

WTF!?! :P

Ask me anything

your last WTF-moment?

Wrote a reply to someone here on Formspring but changed my mind, deleted it and sent something else. After it was gone the system told me both responses had been sent.


Ask me anything

Friday, 20 April 2012

Ask me questions about quantum physics

Ask me questions about Biblical mythology

Ask me questions about computer games

(( I just realized I made a serious plotting error in my story that I think adds up to an epic fail. I gotta figure out how to fix it. What is one of the worst story/plot errors you've made and how did you end up fixing it? ))

(( I've had times when my planned conclusion to a story has gone out the window, since on the journey towards that ending my characters have ended up wandering off in a completely different direction. At times like this you need to ask yourself whether you were going in the right direction in the first place, or if some new, and possibly better, conclusion has presented itself. ))

(( Is there any way you can 'reboot' the original, planned storyline, such as a Deus Ex Machina event (characters discovering they're in a simulated world/bad dream/alternate reality perhaps) or have a new or previously sidelined character (even one presumed dead!) suddenly make an appearance to help steer things back in the right direction? ))

(( Are the characters happy with the way events have panned out, or have you had to make them do things out of character in order to keep the plot rolling in the direction it's gone in up to now? ))

(( Do you actually have a planned destination in mind for the story, or are you letting events play out and enjoying the ride? ))

Ask me anything

if i was a person the size of a pill (still a person just tiny!!) and for some unexplained reason you swallowed me whole & alive what would that experience be like for me from your mouth to in your stomach? ALSO! what would happen to me in your belly???

First you'd find yourself in the tight, wet embrace of my throat as the muscular action combined with gravitational forces pulled you down into my belly. Once there, provided you hadn't been crushed or suffocated (or drowned since I usually swallow pills with a gulp of water) on the way down, you'd find yourself falling into a sea of churning acid, designed specifically to breakdown biological materials into a digestible form.

In other words, not a pleasant ride.

Ask me anything

Hey where can I find this helmet thingy? Nobody seems to have one for me to find :<

If you send me the address to your headquarters I'll get one in the post to you. Even better if you send me the address of your loved ones I'll send them all a helmet too, along with this week's special offer of 10lbs of C4 and a remote detonator. >D

Ask me anything

Demons, evil things or missunderstood people of different tastes?

Demons are a separate race of creatures who were created by God as angels but when humans were made to replace them they rebelled against Heaven. Spurned by God they were cast out, forced to live in Hell for all eternity for their sins. Removed from the Grace of God they lost many of their Heavenly powers, many becoming twisted and hateful of humanity.

Having said this not all the fallen angels were active participants in the war against Heaven, some taking no sides and remaining apart from the conflict and others simply swept along in the tides of war. These 'deamons' still suffered God's Wrath, but hold no great hatred against humans and do not actively seek their downfall. Some who fall into this category fight against Heaven and see their loyal brethren as the enemy, the ones who condemned them for no good reason. Others seek redemption, trying to prove their loyalty to God in the hopes of being raised into his Grace once more.

In other words they're more like humans than angels are. Some hate us, some hate each other, some hate no-one. None are inherently evil, they just hold completely different value systems to ours.

As an aside, did you know that before his fall from Grace Lucifer, the Morning Star, was the first angel to cry?

Ask me anything

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Long hair or short hair?

Long. Far better to have something to pull on when the mood strikes you. :D

Ask me anything

Lunchtime Poll Topic: Long-Distance Relationships? What do you think? Can they work? (( a little early today cause I have a thing I gotta do over lunch ))

They work, but only as long as you go into it expecting your other half to see other people while you're away, and they're willing for you to do the same.

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Do you ever watch movies more than once?

Yes, although only a handful which I really enjoy.

Ask me anything

As the counterpoint to Stheras' question: What do you think of heroes who do kill?

Wonderful! They're one step closer to becoming allies. :D

The first time a hero kills they'll try to come up with some convoluted justification for why it was necessary, but after that the deaths become easier and easier until they reach the point where murder is their first option rather than their last.

Hopefully by that time they'll have left enough bodies in their wake to act as some really good blackmail material to get them working for you, and then their new life on the right side of the law can begin in ernest.

Ask me anything

So... Ever wake up and seriously regret something you did the night before? Feel free to share if you have.

Usually I wake up to seriously wonder where I am and why I'm hugging a policeman's helmet/koala bear/cheap replica of the Holy Grail. XD

Ask me anything

Would you try this spiffy new hat on for me? Don't worry about that 'mind control helmet' label on the side, it's just decoration. :D

Would you try this spiffy new hat on for me? Don't worry about that 'mind control helmet' label on the side, it's just decoration. :D

Answer here

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Hello, ladies! Kid Encharger here! I thought it'd be a good idea to test the waters and get an idea of who's eligible! Are you single? Are you into handsome heroic types with impeccable hair? If the answer to those is yes, how about we hang out sometime?

I'm not exactly single, but at the same time not exactly in a relationship. I'm sure my girlfriend wouldn't mind sharing our bed with yet another person though. :)

Handsome with impeccable hair sounds good, and I'm sure we can do something with those pesky heroic tendencies after a little aversion therapy. >D

Ask me anything

(( squee!!! )) (( Anyone seen this in the Beta yet? ))

Travelling in all of time and space, he was sure to turn up in Paragon City eventually. :)

Ask me anything

Monday, 2 April 2012

Did you know that the public library has computers and Internet?

Don't you mean they did have?

By the way, I've got a sale on to get rid of some recently acquired computers which are set up to access the internet. >D

Ask me anything

Oday ouyay eakspay igpay atinlay?


Ask me anything