Saturday, 23 January 2010

Are you really a guy?

No, but I get asked this question surprisingly often. :)

Do you enjoy watching or receiving moneyshots? ;)

Yes. I'll let you guess which one. ;)

Would you, one day, like to meet all of your consorts?

Hmm, I'd say yes, one day. :)

Favorite alcoholic beverage

Scotch, pereferably Glenfiddich.

If you had a choice between any OC you've created and that you fav, which one would you pick as your lover and why?

Ooo, difficult question.

To be honest I probably wouldn't go for one of my own characters. I know them all too well and when you know someone like that it makes it difficult to picture yourself in bed with them.

As far as the characters I watch go I'd probably say Nekro, although I'd have to tie her down first in case she got a little too playful. :D

Would you ever want to have a muscular body?

No. I have a well toned body at the moment and am happy with it. I don't really like muscular women and probably wouldn't enjoy what I say in the mirror if I was any more buffed up than I am.

If you had to choose between Slice and Divebomb, which would you rather be?


While she's slightly better looking than her former lover Divebomb's a little too aggressive for my tastes. The quiet and intese Slice is far more my kinda gal, plus what she gets upto in the bedroom with her partners really gels well with my own tastes.

Favourite body part


What is your middle name?

Jessica. :)

Ask me anything

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