Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Monday, 5 April 2010

Satsuki: y-you...you shouldn't anger Elli....t-the last ime i said something like that to my mistress, she beated the hell out of me, broke thee of my ribs, teared my jaw out and left me bleeding *jerks at the memory*

Don't worry. I've chained her up in the bedroom with a large candle nestled firmly between her legs.

By the time it's burnt down to the nub she should be more than willing to play nicely with me.

Ask me anything

Elli: YOU DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH ME, YOU DON'T LIKE ME!!!! *pouts cutely, sitting down, crosslegged*

Of course I don't want to have sex with you. I just want to chain you against the wall and do things to your body which will make you beg and moan like the total little whore you really are.

Don't pretend that doesn't excite you.

Ask me anything

Who's your favorite musician?

I don't really have a favourite, I just listen to whatever sounds good for the mood I'm in. :)

Ask me anything

mymy fin...again^^...uhmm..what are, in case that you got some, phobias or strong disgusts?

I don't really have any that I can think of off the top of my head. Sure things like guro disgust me in the usual way, but nothing extreme.

Ask me anything

When it comes to dick size, how small is too small?

Anything less than four inches isn't worth the time. Between five and six inches is what I usually get and more than eight inches becomes another problem.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Ever curb-stomp anyone?

No, but I have almost broken arms in street fights before now. Always in defense though.

Ask me anything

What's your absolute favorite series of games?

The answer to that really depends on my mood. At the moment it's Mass Effect, but at other times I may say Final Fantasy or Soul Calibur.

Ask me anything

What's one thing you wish you could be better at?


I see all these wonderful pictures in my head, but whenever I try and copy them down onto paper they end up as stickfigures having sex. XD

Ask me anything

Thursday, 18 March 2010

love is in the air?

Everywhere I look around.

Ask me anything

would you ever post a photo of yourself on your deviantart page?

I did that a while back, but someone reported it as not mine and I had no way of proving otherwise and so took it down.

Ask me anything

Monday, 15 March 2010

Sunday, 14 March 2010

exactly what buttons would it take for you to melt?

There's a certain spot on my body which when kissed makes me melt almost immediately, even when I'm totally not in the mood, really angry or just plain tired beforehand.

Ask me anything

exactly what buttons would it take for you to melt?

The one which contros the thermostat would start the process I'm sure. :)

Ask me anything

Whats the best movie you've seen from 09-10?

Probably Avatar, but I haven't really seen that many recently.

Ask me anything

*grins* ticklish?

*giggles* Yes

Ask me anything

in five words, how would you define yourself?

Sinfully sassy silicon-free seductress. :D

Ask me anything

Friday, 12 March 2010

talking about the mistress-being and all intentions that direction, when/in what age you'd say, it all started for you?

Not exactly sure what you're asking there.

I began playing around with other girls when I was eight, had sex with a guy for the first time when I was fourteen, had my first bondage experience as a sub when I was sixteen and became a Mistress for the first time when I was nineteen.

Hope that covers it for you. :)

Ask me anything

Monday, 8 March 2010

If you could only watch one TV show what would it be?

Probably something like Twin Peaks, where there's plenty of twists and turns to get your head around while watching all the repeats.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 7 February 2010


If you were stuck in an enemy compound with a pen, a spare set of shoes and a nuclear warhead, how would you make your escape?

Chat up the guards, steal their uniforms and weapons while they was asleep and walk out the front door.

I'd leave them my telephone number with the pen if I'd had a good time, along with a warning that I'd set the warhead to go off with enough time for me to reach a safe distance. That should keep them busy enough not to be able to follow me.

They can have the shoes. Wouldn't want them trying to outrun a nuclear blast while completely naked. :D

Ask me anything


What do you hate the most? And are you into role play?

People who don't stand up for themselves.

Depends on the setting and themes, but generally yes.

Ask me anything

Thursday, 28 January 2010


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/Jezebel1669


If you could make one person fall in love with you who would it be?

I already have all the love I need, I just wish she was here with me right now. :(

Ask me anything

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


what ice cream flavor would you like perking your lover's nipples up?

Ben and Jerry's Baked Alaska. Not only do you get that luscious ice cream melting over her skin but also the white chocolate to smear over her and slowly lap up.

Ask me anything

Monday, 25 January 2010


If you could look like anybody, who would it be?

I'd look like me, silly.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 24 January 2010


If you had to cook dinner for someone tonight, what would you make?

Pizza, I've got those guys on speed dial. :)

Ask me anything


If you could attend any concert, what would it be?

Something loud, energetic and lively where I'd be able to get up close and personal with the entire mosh pit. :D

Ask me anything


last question above made me think of this one: Would you dress up as a nun and corrupt a few other attractive nuns and priests? XD

Hell yes! I'd even doing it in the church with them, right there on the altar.

Do you think the bride and groom would mind? >D

Ask me anything


What was the worst advice you've ever received?

To go to church, since it'd save my soul. :))

Ask me anything


What TV show makes you laugh the loudest?

Mock The Week

Ask me anything

Saturday, 23 January 2010


How did you meet Charlotte?

Through mutual friends.

She actually spotted me first, but I was in a relationship at the time. When I went through a messy breakup she was there to offer me a shoulder to cry on, among other things. :D

He he dork of a question: in the first Mass effect, who did your Shepard pic as a romance? liara or Ashley

What makes you think I didn't go for Kaidan?

Seriously though, I went for Liara. I couldn't get Ashley to form a relationship with me after choosing to leave Kaiden to die on Virmire in order to save her.

Simple question: Tits or ass?

Depends on the person, but usually the ass. Manbobos aren't much of a turn on for me.

What's your favorite things to do with Charlotte? 1- Something down the lines of romantic and sweet 2- Something you do in the bedroom ;)

Romantic and sweet. Anything where we're alone and simply holding each other without necessarily doing anything sexual.

Not to say the sexual side isn't high on my list as well, of course. :)

Ask me anything


Who and when was your first kiss?

I take it you don't mean the type of parental kissing you get all through your childhoos by this question?

The first romantic kiss I had was with a girl named Rachel when we were sharing a room togeether at school.

Ask me anything


Are you really a guy?

No, but I get asked this question surprisingly often. :)

Do you enjoy watching or receiving moneyshots? ;)

Yes. I'll let you guess which one. ;)

Would you, one day, like to meet all of your consorts?

Hmm, I'd say yes, one day. :)

Favorite alcoholic beverage

Scotch, pereferably Glenfiddich.

If you had a choice between any OC you've created and that you fav, which one would you pick as your lover and why?

Ooo, difficult question.

To be honest I probably wouldn't go for one of my own characters. I know them all too well and when you know someone like that it makes it difficult to picture yourself in bed with them.

As far as the characters I watch go I'd probably say Nekro, although I'd have to tie her down first in case she got a little too playful. :D

Would you ever want to have a muscular body?

No. I have a well toned body at the moment and am happy with it. I don't really like muscular women and probably wouldn't enjoy what I say in the mirror if I was any more buffed up than I am.

If you had to choose between Slice and Divebomb, which would you rather be?


While she's slightly better looking than her former lover Divebomb's a little too aggressive for my tastes. The quiet and intese Slice is far more my kinda gal, plus what she gets upto in the bedroom with her partners really gels well with my own tastes.

Favourite body part


What is your middle name?

Jessica. :)

Ask me anything


What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

Something too disgusting to talk about here. XD

Ask me anything


Do you believe in ghosts?


Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/Jezebel1669


If you could take the body and life of any fictional character and live it the way you saw fit rahter then how they did it: who would you choose, how would you do things differently and why?

I'd gotta go with a comic book character, and saying that why not go for one of the big ones and choose Wonder Woman? It would be Catwoman, but when the choice includes all those powers Diana wins out.

As for what I'd do differently, I'd be a bad girl rather than so pure and aloof. A very bad girl indeed. ;;)

What's your favorite sex position?(you know i had to ask)

Face down, ass up

Ask me anything