Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The bunker under the school is really gross and filthy. How long do you think it'll take before you hero types send Nemesis packing?

Whatever made you think I was a hero type?

I'm loving having Nemesis in town. It's giving me free-rein to loot, pillage and rape while the capes are busy trying to take him down. >D

Ask me anything

Bath or shower?

Bath. Nothing better thsan a long soak in a warm tub, especially when you have company. :)

Ask me anything

Peter Jackson doing the Halo-movie, now could that become epic?...it rarely happens that something like filmstudio decisions piss me off, but Universal and Fox not supporting him there at such an epic franchise, makes them seem like they never saw Halo

Peter Jackson's got a good history of film-making behind him so I think we can look forward to something good, if not epic, from his run at Halo.

And thank the PTB that Uwe Boll didn't get his hands on the licence. XD

Ask me anything

your most favourite lord of the rings-magic moment?

"You... shall not... pass!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4UfAL9f74I


Ask me anything