Phantasy Star Universe or Marvel Vs Capcom 3?Just bought both of them and not sure which to play first.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
What's the lamest, most worthless superpower you can think of?
What's the lamest, most worthless superpower you can think of?
Answer here
Have you even written a film script in the sincere belief you could make it into a reality? Did you actually manage to get it done?
Have you even written a film script in the sincere belief you could make it into a reality? Did you actually manage to get it done?
Answer here
Should they stop raping comic books for film content and go back to thinking up original stories, or would it be better if they brought out more films based on your favourite books/TV shows and such?
Should they stop raping comic books for film content and go back to thinking up original stories, or would it be better if they brought out more films based on your favourite books/TV shows and such?
Answer here
Walking down the road you find Supergirl tied to a lamp post with a chunk of kryptonite hanging around her neck. What do you do?
Walking down the road you find Supergirl tied to a lamp post with a chunk of kryptonite hanging around her neck. What do you do?
Answer here
If you and five friends could combine together to make a giant killer robot, what part of the body would you be?
If you and five friends could combine together to make a giant killer robot, what part of the body would you be?
Answer here
Autobot or Decepticon? Maximal or Predacon? Headmaster or Powermaster?
Autobot or Decepticon? Maximal or Predacon? Headmaster or Powermaster?
Answer here
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon? Just how much of that film had nothing more to do with the plot than shoehorning Sam Witwicky in when he wasn't really needed?
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon? Just how much of that film had nothing more to do with the plot than shoehorning Sam Witwicky in when he wasn't really needed?
Answer here
You're stuck in a car on a train track crossing and you can hear the train approaching in the distance. What do you do?
You're stuck in a car on a train track crossing and you can hear the train approaching in the distance. What do you do?
Answer here
If a tree falls down in the forest, and there's no-one around to hear it, what colour panties/underwear would you be wearing?
If a tree falls down in the forest, and there's no-one around to hear it, what colour panties/underwear would you be wearing?
Answer here
Tell me a story which features a mermaid, a fishing net and a harpoon?
Tell me a story which features a mermaid, a fishing net and a harpoon?
Answer here
Twitter; Do you automatically follow anyone who follows you, or do you prefer to choose the people you're listening to more carefully?
Twitter; Do you automatically follow anyone who follows you, or do you prefer to choose the people you're listening to more carefully?
Answer here
Monday, 27 June 2011
Have you ever gone somewhere with the sole intention of having sex? This includes going to a bar, nightclub or other hangout with the intention of getting laid.
Have you ever gone somewhere with the sole intention of having sex? This includes going to a bar, nightclub or other hangout with the intention of getting laid.
Answer here
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Sunday, 19 June 2011
What are you procrastinating right now?
Just back from holiday and have so much to catch up on you wouldn't believe it!