Monday, 5 April 2010

Satsuki: shouldn't anger Elli....t-the last ime i said something like that to my mistress, she beated the hell out of me, broke thee of my ribs, teared my jaw out and left me bleeding *jerks at the memory*

Don't worry. I've chained her up in the bedroom with a large candle nestled firmly between her legs.

By the time it's burnt down to the nub she should be more than willing to play nicely with me.

Ask me anything

Elli: YOU DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH ME, YOU DON'T LIKE ME!!!! *pouts cutely, sitting down, crosslegged*

Of course I don't want to have sex with you. I just want to chain you against the wall and do things to your body which will make you beg and moan like the total little whore you really are.

Don't pretend that doesn't excite you.

Ask me anything

Who's your favorite musician?

I don't really have a favourite, I just listen to whatever sounds good for the mood I'm in. :)

Ask me anything

mymy fin...again^^...uhmm..what are, in case that you got some, phobias or strong disgusts?

I don't really have any that I can think of off the top of my head. Sure things like guro disgust me in the usual way, but nothing extreme.

Ask me anything

When it comes to dick size, how small is too small?

Anything less than four inches isn't worth the time. Between five and six inches is what I usually get and more than eight inches becomes another problem.

Ask me anything

Sunday, 4 April 2010

Ever curb-stomp anyone?

No, but I have almost broken arms in street fights before now. Always in defense though.

Ask me anything

What's your absolute favorite series of games?

The answer to that really depends on my mood. At the moment it's Mass Effect, but at other times I may say Final Fantasy or Soul Calibur.

Ask me anything

What's one thing you wish you could be better at?


I see all these wonderful pictures in my head, but whenever I try and copy them down onto paper they end up as stickfigures having sex. XD

Ask me anything