Entry Deadline:
Entries will be accepted upto and including the 13th of September 2009.
Submission Guidance:
Given the questionable nature of the theme entries can either be made on deviantArt, as long as they abide by the site's rules on sexual conduct and pornographic imagery, or on a completely separate site to which the majority of the Harem members would have access without having to pay for membership.
People running their own paysites will not be permitted to make a quick buck from the Mistress's pets, and anyone caught attempting to do this will be dragged out into the town square and flogged until they're very, very sorry. Plus their entries will be disqualified.
Any medium will be accepted for the contest, meaning that digital art, traditional art, written pieces (both prose and poetry), photography and photomanipulations, collages, craftwork, tattoos and practically anything else you can think of will be accepted as entries and depending on the number of entries received may be separated out into different categories.
Only pieces which have been uploaded to deviantArt from 13th of July and onwards will be accepted in the contest, although any piece which has been on display elsewhere will be accepted as this contest is to try and get you to share your works with the Harem members and a piece hidden away will likely not have caught their attention yet.
Entry Limit:
There's no limit for the number of entries per person, although only one submission per category will go onto the final round so unless you're planning to show your diverse talents, or want to submit a new piece after seeing what everyone else has done, then multiple submissions won't gain you an advantage.
Rating Limit:
Once again, due to the nature of the contest images submitted to deviantArt must be within the site's own rules on sexual and pornographic content. Pieces offered on a third-party site must be lawful. If you're unsure whether the piece is lawful or not, check with your local legislature.
The judging will be done in two stages. The first of which will involve a group of Harem members being selected to offer their opinion on the best pieces submitted. After these opinions have been compiled the top ten submissions will be put up for public vote, with the final decision being made by every member of the dA site.
As mentioned about depending on the number of entries the contest may be divided out into different categories. The nature of which will be determined by the number and medium of the entries. Public votes will then be created for each of the categories.
The judges of each category will be chosen for the Harem members who have not submitted pieces into that category, but they may be allowed to submit to a different category instead.
The final decision in the result of a draw will be made by the Mistress herself, and any dispute will result in the complainer being fastened inside an iron maiden and dropped into the ocean, or by another completely fair and reasonable method decided upon by the Mistress.
Any offers for prizes are warmly welcomed and at present the list includes:
Subscriptions to deviantArt, a custom full coloured picture, a single character lineart, a custom written erotic tale.
These prizes will be divided as appropriate between the categories, with priority going to the first place winners.
There has been a rumour that the Mistress may even be offering items of her underwear as prizes, but at present there has been no confirmation of this from the lady herself. Then again, there's also been no denial, so time will tell.